Semi-detached house in Birmingham

627 Bristol Road South, Northfield, Birmingham B31 2JS
  • Lot No: 38
  • Property Type: Semi-detached house
  • Contract Type: Split fee

Guide Price* £184,000+ plus fees

Property Description

A semi-detached property benefiting from good transport links via the A38 into Birmingham city centre as well as good rail links being within close proximity to Northfield train station. We understand from the seller that the property is let and produces £800 per calendar month (£9,600 per annum) but they have not had sight of the tenancy agreement/s. Prospective buyers are advised to inspect the legal documents in this respect prior to bidding before placing their bid, as this will be binding.


Please be advised that the auctioneers have not personally inspected the property. Prospective buyers are advised to make all necessary independent enquiries before placing their bid, as this will be binding.

Building Construction

Solid brick, as built, no insulation (assumed) - Information taken from EPC.

Flood Risk

Surface Water - Very Low

Broadband (estimated speeds)

Standard 16 mbps and Superfast 79 mbps show as available in this location

Mobile Signal

EE, O2, Vodaphone and Three show as available in this location.

Satellite and Cable TV Availability

Sky and BT show as available in this location.

Draft Sales Details

These sales details are awaiting vendor approval.

